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  1. Last week
  2. Congratulations, the Jack Rabbit were sent to your E-Trader.
  3. Congratulations, the Jack Rabbit were sent to your E-Trader.
  4. Character : GNStone Server: Turbo Reward : Jack Rabbit
  5. Character : Strong Server: Turbo Reward : Jack Rabbit Thank you!
  6. If you finished a puzzle on the normal server, you can post a screenshot here to claim 10ea power potions. All other rewards are claimed.
  7. Congratulations, the Power Potions were sent to your E-Trader!
  8. Hello, i finished a puzzle and want to get the Power Potion 10ea Character PuzzleHard Server Normal
  9. Changes to Player vs Monster damage: Kailipton damage increased Human damage increased
  10. Earlier
  11. Congratulations, the MoonShadow set is in your E-Trader.
  12. Character : GNStone Server: Turbo Reward : MoonShadow Set Black +15 (Female)
  13. Congratulations, the MoonShadow set is in your E-Trader.
  14. Character: ArStar Server: Turbo Reward: MoonShadow Set Gold +15 FO (Male) Thank you!
  15. Hello, for the normal server all rewards are claimed. From now on, you can change a completed Puzzle for 10ea Power Potions. If you finished a Puzzle, Post a picture into this post and we will send 10ea Power Potion to your E-Trader
  16. Congratulations, the Jack Rabbit is in your E-Trader
  17. Congratulations, the Jack Rabbit is in your E-Trader
  18. Hello, i finished a puzzle and want to get the Jack Rabbit Character PuzzleHard Server Normal
  19. Congratulations, the White Knight Set is in your E-Trader
  20. Congratulations, the Gold Moonshadow set is in your E-Trader
  21. Reward: Jack Rabbit Name: Alexandre Server: Normal
  22. Character: Wildheart Server: Turbo Reward: White Knight Set +5 FO
  23. Reward: MoonShadow Set Gold +15 FO Female Name: CarlinhoBR Server: Normal
  24. Congratulations, the Wolf is in your E-Trader
  25. Hello, i finished a hard Puzzle and i want to get the Gray Wolf Character: PuzzleHard Server Normal
  26. Congratulations, the Assassin Set is in your E-Trader
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