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Posts posted by xiaocao2022

  1. On 11/23/2022 at 1:50 PM, Rosee said:

    Hi GM

    I’ve benn try to test on Dmg Diaplay show then many error display show please check again

    For example

    - before update 

    T5 skill on each other 15-23k 

    - After update

    T5 skill  to each other 4k-90k but on HP  become lower unrelated ( i mean so  many wrong number show on display dmg)

    it’s would be nice to bring back DMG show on chatroom like before update so we can compare the dmg with each other 

    Sadly if we turn off dmg display we can’t compare anything from each other 😩

    for my opinion 

    It’s nice to show display dmg only on monter  😃

    please bring back dmg show to chatroom 😊




    I agree with you. After the update, the number of damage displayed on the top of the character contains a lot, which makes it clear to me. You can't compare damage with other players. I hope that the chat box can be displayed in double (above the chat box and the character), just like before, only showing the damage of pvp. thank you

  2. Hello GM, the latest update shows the damage above the character. I think it's good. Can I add the damage to the chat box during PVP and change it to double display. Because we don't know the character attacking us when we want to be hurt, we can't compare the composition of the damage. It can also make players who use illegal programs dare not use illegal programs. Because the damage display of chat box can also be combined with video to prove whether players use illegal programs. GM is requested to study. thank you

  3. 4 hours ago, Hyppocrite said:

    At least must have 4 participants.when have more than 4,eliminate each others until only 4 players left,and then will fight on smaller area.

    Oh yeah sir admin,can you add button for change lime to silver bullion too? Thank you

    Thank you. If there are more than 4 players in an hour, the activity will end?

  4. On 10/17/2022 at 5:09 PM, Administrator said:




    Hello GM


    I know why the flag of the CTF player is still on the player after he dies. Because the flag player was killed by the accumulated damage of the mage's sidestick, the system could not determine who completed the last hit given to the flag player. This is also the case when the player who took the crystal was killed by the accumulated damage in the siege battle while the crystal was still on the player, instead of returning the crystal to the player who gave the player the last hit after the normal attack was killed.

    So I suggest

    1: Solve the crystal held by players in a PVP like CTF after they are killed by accumulated damage during the siege, and return the flag to the initial point.

    2: The problem that players can block players in the siege is a historical problem. Now it is also used in tactics, very good. What I hope to improve is that GM can supervise every siege, so that those who use advanced assistance and ignore player blocks can compete in a fair environment.

    3: Can you have a damage statistics software to monitor the normal attack damage in the middle of PVP, just like WOW.

  5. Hello GM


    I know why the flag of the CTF player is still on the player after he dies. Because the flag player was killed by the accumulated damage of the mage's sidestick, the system could not determine who completed the last hit given to the flag player. This is also the case when the player who took the crystal was killed by the accumulated damage in the siege battle while the crystal was still on the player, instead of returning the crystal to the player who gave the player the last hit after the normal attack was killed.

    So I suggest

    1: Solve the crystal held by players in a PVP like CTF after they are killed by accumulated damage during the siege, and return the flag to the initial point.

    2: The problem that players can block players in the siege is a historical problem. Now it is also used in tactics, very good. What I hope to improve is that GM can supervise every siege, so that those who use advanced assistance and ignore player blocks can compete in a fair environment.

    3: Can you have a damage statistics software to monitor the normal attack damage in the middle of PVP, just like WOW.

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